日本語 英語 スペイン語 バックナンバ


Pamphlet of Nobicco


 Club Nobicco

  Japanese and the other subjects class free
  for foreign pupils
  in the morning on every Saturday
  in Chiikirenkeishitsu of the Mishima kita-sho

 Class poyo

  private lesson in the Mishimahigashi-sho


ハートClass Nobicco

2/8 10:00~12:00 Chiikirenkei room in Kita-sho

2/15 10:00~12:00 Chiikirenkei room in Kita-sho

2/22 10:00~12:00 Chiikirenkei room in Kita-sho

ハート Class Poyo

New Year's Party

Winter vacation class

New Year's Party

Children's Day

Star festival Tanabata

Happy harvest

Halloween Party

University festival

clean up

Christmas Party


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